Priority given to Nurses and Advanced Practice Providers If your registration is already confirmed, do not register twice. However, feel free to forward invitation to a colleague.
This meeting is designed to provide accredited continuing education for nurses and other healthcare professionals working in the field of infertility and reproductive endocrinology. Priority registration will be given to those nurses working in the ART/REI field, as well as those nurses and members of the healthcare delivery team working in related fields (i.e., women’s health, ob/gyn).
Registration is limited; therefore,we recommend that you register as soon as possible.
This year's meeting will comprise 2.5 days of plenary sessions – Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 7 - 9.
However, August 6th, in the afternoon (3:00 PM – 6:30 PM), there will be a REI 101: Review & Refresher Course for nurses new to practice, those returning to practice and nurses in need of an update. In addition, this year the course will focus on foundational information that will be valuable for those preparing to take the NCC Certification Exam. This course offers an additional 3.5 contact hours and is followed by the Welcome Reception on the second level.
Other healthcare professionals working in the ART/REI field may register to attend and will receive a certificate of completion. (However, we cannot accept registrations for family members or friends who are not healthcare professionals working in the ART field.)
Receipt of an invitation to the StartART Congress in the mail or via email, does not guarantee that your registration will be accepted. Your address may have been provided through previous attendance, your nursing society/affiliation, as a recommendation from a colleague, or through other means. Nevertheless, we will give special consideration to those who have attended previously or demonstrated special interest based on their need for education in the field of ART/REI.
To Cancel Your Meeting Registration If you need to cancel your meeting registration, contact Jamie Miller at [email protected]. Please note that Jamie is not able to cancel your hotel reservations which you must do directly with the hotel.
We encourage all attendees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
For more information, please click here or refer to the CDCguidance.
To those participants who may be planning to engage in sales, marketing and/or hosting other participants at meals and social events, please be aware that this activity is convened strictly for continuing education purposes.
Any formal or informal business solicitation or entertainment of participants or faculty is discouraged throughout the entire StartART Congress, including before and after each daily session, as well as during the evenings, starting with the evening prior to the Congress once onsite check in begins (Wednesday, Aug 6 at 3:00 PM), until the end of the final day of the Congress (Saturday, Aug 9 at 12:30 PM).
Anyone engaging in such activities may be asked to leave the Congress, and will be held accountable under the guidelines established by ANCC, ACCME, CMS, AMA, PhRMA Code, FDA and the US Office of the Inspector General.