CALL FOR SPECIAL INTEREST TRACK TOPICS Volunteer by emailing Jamie, [email protected]
"To teach is to learn twice"
The organizers invite topic suggestions and volunteer discussion leaders for CNE-accredited Special Interest Tracks (SITs) to be held during the lunch hours on Thursday August 7 and Friday, August 8.
In addition, Special Interest Tracks can provide a unique opportunity for nurses, including those new to practice, advanced practice providers, and fertility clinic managers to collaborate, network, and discuss and explore current issues, best practices, and emerging areas of most interest to IVF/ REI nurses.
To initiate the 2025 topic suggestions, Svetlana Izrailevsky, MSN Ed, Stanford Fertility & Reproductive Health Services has volunteered to lead a SIT on “Patient Education Needs & Practices”.
As a nurse educator, she also offers the following SIT suggestions for other StartART nurses to consider leading:
Conducting difficult conversations with patients and providers
Effective team building and managing interprofessional collaboration within the practice
Genetically linked carrier testing, especially in light of increasing mixing of genetic heritage backgrounds in today's population
Cultural and religious considerations in patient care and IVF procedures
Ethical dilemmas in patient care, i.e., PGT for sex selection; advanced parental age
Counseling on lifestyle, environment, dietary changes patients can put in place: what are the current recommendations and limitations in research
Interprofessional collaboration
Digital health literacy
Is there room to create standardized patient instruction?
Opportunities for nurses to advance their practice (ultrasound training/counseling; counseling on genetic screening or results)
Choose one of these topics or propose a new topic you would like to lead by emailing [email protected].